The Master’s Hat
The Master’s Hat Why does a Worshipful Master wear a hat at lodge where all the other members do not?
What is the symbolism of the Master’s hat?
In most lodges around the United States, in standard meetings and degree work, the Master is required to be covered, meaning he is to have a hat on during the meeting.
There are typically some situations where the Master’s hat does not have to be worn but in most cases it is worn.
Common Master’s hats are fedoras, top hats, and even cowboy hats.
Still, why is it that the Worshipful Master wears a hat at lodge and what is the symbolism of the Master’s hat.
The Masonic Service Association, in its booklet “One Hundred questions about Freemasonry” has this definition: “A contemporary relic of the ancient custom whereby the King remained covered under all circumstances,
while his subjects were obligated to uncover in his presence.
The Master’s hat therefore represents in one capacity how Kings would remain covered in their position of authority while their subjects would uncover to show their respect.
The Master’s hat is therefore a symbol of authority.
The Eastern nations uncover the feet when they enter a place of worship; the Westerners uncover the head.
The converse of this is also true; and to keep the head covered while all around are uncovered is a token of superiority of rank or office.
The king remains covered, the courtiers standing around him take off their hats.” Again we see in Mackey’s “Masonic Encylopedia” that the covering of the head is a representation of authority and that other nations show their respect differently.