Knights Templar Mysteries Unlocked: The Basics

The Knights Templar, a medieval Christian military order founded in the early 12th century, has long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. With their distinctive white mantles adorned with a red cross, the Templars quickly became a symbol of power and wealth, which has captured the imaginations of historians, scholars, and the general public throughout history.

Unlocking the mysteries of the Knights Templar requires an understanding of their origins, motivations, and ultimate downfall. By diving into key aspects of their history, such as the Crusades, their legendary treasure, and the numerous conspiracy theories surrounding them, we can begin to piece together the complex puzzle that is the story of this enigmatic order.

Knights Templar Mysteries Unlocked

What Is the Order of The Knights Templar?

The Order of the Knights Templar, also known as the Templar Order, was a medieval Christian military order founded in the early 12th century. Its initial purpose was to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land during the Crusades. The order gained its name from their first headquarters, which was located at the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Their popular symbol, the red cross, became a recognizable emblem for the order.

Over time, the Knights Templar expanded their duties, and their influence grew beyond military protection. They developed an extensive financial network throughout Christendom, which allowed them to accumulate significant wealth and power. This financial prowess led to the establishment of modern banking practices such as loans, grants, and checks.

However, the fall of the Holy Land and the subsequent loss of their raison d’être weakened the Templars. Their immense wealth and influence ultimately led to opposition from secular and religious authorities.

In 1307, King Philip IV of France ordered the arrest and persecution of prominent Templar members, including their grand master. Shortly after, Pope Clement V disbanded the order in 1312 under pressure from Philip IV.

What Is the Order of The Knights Templar?

Who started the Knights Templar?

The Knights Templar was founded by a group of knights led by Hugues de Payens, a French nobleman. He, along with his fellow knights, took vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience to serve and protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land.

When was the Knights Templar formed?

The order was officially founded in 1119, following the success of the First Crusade. They gained the support of the Church and the endorsement of prominent figures, such as Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, which helped them grow rapidly in numbers and influence.

Where did the Knights Templar originate?

The Knights Templar originated in Jerusalem, where they originally focused on providing protection and safe passage for Christian pilgrims. Their headquarters were established at the Temple Mount, which was believed to be the site of Solomon’s Temple. This location contributed to their name, “The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon,” later shortened to the Knights Templar.

What was the purpose of the Knights Templar?

The main purpose of protecting Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. The order played a crucial role in defending sacred sites and ensuring the safety of travelers during the Crusades, supporting the Christian military campaigns in the Holy Land.

What did the Knights Templar do?

The Knights Templar were revered for their military prowess, fighting alongside Crusader armies and becoming a formidable force in their own right. They built fortresses and strongholds across Europe and the Holy Land, which served as bases for their operations.

In addition to their military duties, the Templars also developed an early banking system to help pilgrims avoid the dangers of carrying wealth with them on their journeys.

The order’s innovative financial services made them one of the wealthiest organizations of their time, accumulating a vast amount of land, resources, and influence.

What did the Knights Templar do

The order’s significance during the Crusades and in medieval Europe

During the Crusades, the Templars played a vital role in several key battles and were instrumental in helping the Crusaders establish and maintain their foothold in the Holy Land. As a religious military order, they became a symbol of Christian unity and dedication to the cause of the Crusades.

In medieval Europe, the Knights Templar became a powerful organization that gained the support and protection of many European monarchs and the Catholic Church. With their vast resources and far-reaching influence, the order contributed to the development of European infrastructure, funded and supported other military orders, and even became involved in international diplomacy.

Despite their substantial contributions, the increasing power and wealth of the Templars eventually led to their fall in the early 14th century. Accusations of heresy, corruption, and immorality were leveled against the order, culminating in the arrest and execution of many members, including their leader, Jacques de Molay. The order was disbanded by Pope Clement V, and much of their wealth was confiscated or redistributed to other religious orders.


The Knights Templar were governed by a hierarchical structure, led by the Grand Master at the top. Beneath the Grand Master were the Seneschal, Marshal, and Treasurer, who held important leadership positions. Further down the hierarchy were the knights, sergeants, and serving brothers, responsible for various tasks and duties within the order.

Role and Responsibilities

The primary role of the Knights Templar was to protect Christian pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land. They were also a formidable military force, participating in numerous battles during the Crusades. Additionally, the order developed a sophisticated financial system and became influential in banking and international trade.

What nationality were the Knights Templar?

The Knights Templar was an international order, with members from various European countries, including France, England, and Portugal. The order was initially founded in Jerusalem by Hugh de Payens, a French nobleman, and its first members were primarily from France and other parts of Western Europe.

The organization and hierarchy of the order

The organization of the Knights Templar was divided into provinces, each led by a provincial master. These provinces were further divided into preceptories or commanderies, each under the command of a preceptor or commander. Members of the order adhered to a strict set of rules known as the Latin Rule, which dictated their daily lives and responsibilities.

The connection between the Knights Templar and Freemasonry

The connection between the Knights Templar and Freemasonry is a complex and often debated topic. It is important to note that there are distinct historical differences between the medieval Knights Templar and modern-day Freemasonry. The two are separate organizations with different origins and purposes.

The Knights Templar was a medieval Christian military order founded in the early 12th century. The Catholic Church officially recognized the order and played a prominent role in the Crusades. However, the Knights Templar fell out of favor, and the order was officially dissolved by Pope Clement V in 1312. Many of its members were arrested, and some were executed on charges of heresy and other crimes.

Freemasonry, on the other hand, is a fraternal organization that traces its origins to the stonemasons’ guilds of the late medieval period. It developed into its modern form in the early 18th century, with the establishment of the first Grand Lodge in London in 1717. Freemasonry is characterized by its rituals, symbolism, and moral teachings. It is not a religious organization, although it promotes a belief in a Supreme Being.

The connection between the two organizations is largely speculative and based on the adoption of certain Templar symbols and themes within Freemasonry. One of the degrees in the York Rite, a branch of Freemasonry, is called the Order of the Knights Templar, and it incorporates some Templar imagery and rituals. However, there is no historical evidence to suggest a direct link between the medieval Knights Templar and the origins of Freemasonry.

It is worth noting that some modern Masonic organizations and writers have suggested symbolic or allegorical connections between the two, but these connections are not supported by mainstream historical scholarship.

While the topic continues to be a subject of fascination and speculation for many, it is important to approach it with a critical and discerning eye, considering the available historical evidence.

The connection between the Knights Templar and Freemasonry

What is a Knights Templar Mason?

The Masonic Order has a branch known as the Knights Templar, which is part of the York Rite of Freemasonry. This group is distinct from the medieval order. Still, it has adopted the name and some of the symbols, as well as incorporated elements of their history and mythology into their rituals.

To become a Knights Templar Mason, an individual must first become a Master Mason in the Blue Lodge (the foundation of Freemasonry). After this, they can proceed through the various degrees in the York Rite, culminating in the Knights Templar degree. The Masonic Knights Templar focuses more on the chivalric aspects of the original Templars, promoting spiritual growth, charity, and service to their fellow Masons and community.

While the connections between the medieval Knights Templar and modern Freemasonry are not definitively proven, the thematic similarities and shared symbolism have contributed to the enduring fascination with both organizations.

The Fall of the Knights Templar

The fall of the Knights Templar began with a series of events leading up to their arrest, trial, and eventual dissolution. The order had lost its last foothold in the Muslim world by 1303 and established a base of operations in Paris. There, King Philip IV of France resolved to bring them down.

The Fall of the Knights Templar

Accusations and Trials

In the autumn of 1307, Philip IV arrested the Templars and charged them with blasphemy, idolatry, and other crimes, largely because of his own financial needs and the Order’s immense wealth. These charges were prompted by rumors and unsubstantiated evidence, which led to the initiation of an extensive and brutal trial against the Order.

Many Templars were subjected to torture during the trials, resulting in numerous forced confessions of heresy and other wrongdoings. The trials continued for several years, with many knights being executed or imprisoned during the process.

Dissolution and Aftermath

As a result of the trials and growing pressures from political leaders, Pope Clement V officially disbanded the Knights Templar in 1312. With the Order’s dissolution, their properties and wealth were dispersed among the rivaling Christian military orders and local authorities.

The fallout from the fall of the Templars significantly damaged the reputation of both the Order and the medieval Church. The persecution of the Knights Templar, once a powerful and respected organization, became emblematic of the complex interplay between politics, finance, and religious fervor at the time.

Knights Templar Today

Today, over 1700 groups and organizations around the world refer to themselves as Knights Templar or Templars. These groups vary widely in their nature and activities, ranging from organizations with sensible and worthy objectives to fringe extremist groups and even organized criminal enterprises.

Note that these modern groups are not directly connected to the original medieval order of the Knights Templar, which was officially disbanded in the 14th century. The use of the Templar name and symbolism by these groups is often more symbolic or self-identified rather than based on a historical lineage. Due to the diversity of these groups, caution is advised when encountering them, as their aims and practices can vary significantly.​

Learn more: Knights Templar Today: Legacy of a Medieval Order


Knights Templar

History and Symbols of The Knights Templar

The End of the Templars

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